Creating a Core Nominal
CUSTADMIN access only
Some Of the nominals and ledgers used in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.
When creating a new nominal, the numerical part of the nominal (the core) must be created first. It is strongly recommended that you maintain the chart of accounts number ranges.
A new Analysis Field Set is automatically created for the added nominal code.
- Select Maintenance, then select Keylists from the menu.
- The Keylist Maintenance window is displayed. Select GLCODE - GL Codes from the left-hand panel. To create the nominal core, select ADD NEW, then select KEY.
- A <New item> is displayed in the centre GLCODE - GL Codes panel and automatically selected. Enter the nominal code (4 digits in a nominal code structure) in Key, then enter the title for the nominal in Title.
- The remaining fields can be left blank. The Text field can be used to set the default VAT rate for the nominal if required , then select SAVE to confirm the key.
An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.
- Once the core nominal has been created, you can now continue to create the nominal account as described in Creating a Nominal.