Create Cost Centre Accounts
This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2223 or later. If using version 7.0.2103 or earlier, go to Creating Cost Centre Accounts.
CUSTADMIN access only
To manage actual expenses against budgets, you must add accounts to the cost centre ledger.
- Create an account on the COSTCENTRE ledger.
- To set who can approve documents for the cost centre, assign users as approvers.
If there are any warnings or issues when setting up a cost centre account, it could be for one of the following reasons.
ADD NEW is Greyed Out in Account Maintenance
If ADD NEW is greyed out when adding a cost centre account, then the user security applied to the user group the user is a part of or the ledger may be preventing access.
Check the security for the user group and ledger, and update the permissions if required.