Applying Company Settings for All Users
CUSTADMIN access only
Company Settings for IRIS Financials manages all the software settings for individual companies linked within a single database.
When the software is installed, the Company Settings are set to defaults.
Within company settings you can manage the following:
Write off settings
The bank reconciliation report path
The void document nominal
Setting up company settings consists of the following:
Access the Company Settings for All Users
Setting Write Off Settings for Nominals
Selecting the Bank Reconciliation Report Path
Setting a Void Documents Nominal
Access the Company Settings for All Users
Select Home, then select Settings from the menu.
The Settings window is displayed. Select Company settingsfor all users from the left-hand panel. To edit any of the fields within the tabs, select EDIT.
Setting Write Off Settings for Nominals
Write-off settings are applied when allocating documents that do not balance and are linked to a nominal that is not attached to a ledger to advise the system what to do with the difference.
On the Settings window, select Company settings for all users from the left-hand panel, then select the Write off Settings tab. Select Drill (...) in Nominal Write off Document Type, then double-select to select ASWO - Write Off (where AS represents the location of the document type) from the Select a nominal dialog.
To set a write-off document for foreign currency transactions, select Drill (...) in Nominal Currency Write off Document Type, then double-select to select the required write off document from the Select a nominal dialog. -
Next, for the software to automatically post write-off values in the selected document type, set the value for the write-off limit. Select the up-down buttons or enter a value in Nominal Write off Limit, e.g. 1 (do not include any currency symbols i.e. £, $, etc.) then select SAVE to apply the changes.
Selecting the Bank Reconciliation Report Path
On the Settings window, select Company settings for all users from the left-hand panel, then select the Bank Reconciliation tab. Select Drill (...) in Report Path.
The Select a report window is displayed. Select Expand (+) adjacent to the PSF Live Reports folder, then select Expand (+) adjacent to the Standard Reports sub-folder to display the list of reports, then double-select to select the Bank Reconciliation Report.
On the Settings window, select SAVE to apply the changes.
Setting a Void Documents Nominal
When completing a cheque payment run, if a remittance report on a pre-printed cheque is over one page and the document needs to be voided, the void document is posted to a specified nominal for void documents.
On the Settings window, select Company settings for all users from the left-hand panel, then select the Payments tab. Select Drill (...) in Void document nominal, then double-select to select the nominal for void documents from the Select a nominal dialog.
On the Settings window, select SAVE to apply the changes.