Create Sales Accounts

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2223 or later. If using version 7.0.2103 or earlier, go to Creating Sales Accounts .

Customers who receive goods sold by the your organisation or who use your premises and facilities in exchange for a charged fee must have a sales account on the Sales Ledger.

To set up a Sales account, create an account on the Sales Ledger , with the following details:

  • If the customer requires sales invoices to be sent to a different email address than the one supplied for the contact, you must add an additional email address for use with the Emailer Suite
  • On Indices, select the Values for the relevant Indices. If you are not sure what value to use, select XNODET.

    (Optional) If the customer pays the total of an invoice in installments, enter the number of invoices the payments can be split across in Sales Phasing Stages. You must also set the Default VAT Code for the customer.

  • On Address, enter the customer's address. A space must be added between the first and second parts of the Post code.

    If the sales invoice is sent to a specific department or person, Pre-name can be used to record the details.

  • On Payment Information:
  • Set the required security for user groups with access.