Adding additional lines to an existing bank statement

There may be occasions where transactions are missing from a bank statement, either where a statement was not successfully imported or a transaction was missed when the statement was manually entered.

  1. Go to Banks, then select Bank Statements from the menu.

  2. Double-select to select the required bank account from the Select a bank account dialog.

  3. The Bank Statement Maintenance window is displayed listing any existing bank statement sheets in the left-hand panel. Select the required statement. All available transactions for that statement are displayed in the right-hand panel. Select EDIT.

  4. Select ADD NEW, then select BANK STATEMENT LINE. If the date of the transaction being entered is between the dates of two existing transactions listed, select the transaction immediately after the date of the date of the transaction that needs to be entered from the transactions list, select ADD NEW, then select BANKSTATEMENT LINE (INSERT).

  5. If a new line was added, it is displayed at the end of the transaction list. If a new line was inserted, it is inserted above the selected line.

  6. Next, enter the date of the transaction in Date. To select the date of the transaction, select the Date drop-down arrow and select the required date from the calendar. Alternatively, you can use the up-down buttons, or over-type the date using a DD Month YYYY format, for example 31 January 2021.

  7. Enter a description for the transaction in Description.

  8. Next, enter the value of the transaction, e.g. 100.00 (do not enter any currency symbols £, $, etc.) in Paid In (credit) or Paid Out (debit), depending on whether the value was paid in or out of the account.

  9. If required, you can then add additional transaction(s), then select SAVE.

  10. The Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.