Release Notes - v 2.22.49 - November 2022

This topic provides information about new features and fixes in version 2.22.49 of PS People.

New Features


Fixes and Updates

School Workforce Census Fixes and Updates

  • Additional payments not outputting into XML submission file — Additional payments now appearing under the correct related activity in the XML Submission file.
  • Error 4490 – Pay range invalid for certain roles — Error checking no longer ignores Post for contracts with no date. Errors only correctly reported where the Pay Range is invalid for Leadership Pay Range type posts.

Other Fixes and Updates

  • Childcare entries updating historic Fixed payments — The Childcare Wizard now correctly ignores any Fixed Payment & Deduction (FP&D) when Critical Dates is turned on. Any FP&D that has an end date before the start of the childcare payment is also ignored regardless of Critical Dates status.

    Where the end date of FP&D is after the start date of childcare payment, the FP&D end date is updated to the date preceding the childcare payment start date. This only happens if Critical Dates is turned on.

    Any FP&D that does not have an end date and has Critical Dates applied has end date updated to the date preceding the Childcare payment start date.

  • Occupational Sickness not calculating correctly for new startersOccupational Sickness now correctly calculates employees in their first pay period where the React To Critical Dates is set to Working Days Standard. Calculations have been updated to make sure only working days are included to prevent an overpayment scenario.
  • Period End Failing Re NI Class 1A Error — Improved error messages when running Period End for a specific Payroll Template where records may have been manually adjusted to a Sequence ID in the database larger than the maximum allowed (2147483647).
  • GDPR – Custom SQL reports enhanced Data Item Access — Users are prevented from running custom SQL queries against information that they are not authorised to access for Data Item Access (DIA). DIA checks are performed when creating a new query and running a previously created query.