What data is rolled forward?

When creating a new tax return, if a previous year tax return already exists (or a previous accounting period for corporate returns) then applicable data will be carried forward from the previous record.

What is rolled forward?

  • Most sources of income are carried forward to the new year (e.g. employments, trades, pensions, bank accounts, etc.).

  • Information for each source that is not tax year specific (e.g. descriptions, quantities, dates) is also be carried forward.

  • Applicable dates are adjusted accordingly (for example, accounting period start and end dates will be moved forward one year).

  • Carry forward balances are transferred into the applicable brought forward fields (e.g. losses, opening balance, overlap relief, etc.).

  • Capital allowance pools and assets with positive written down values are brought forward and writing down allowances are calculated.

  • Calculated payments on account are transferred to the payments made screen of the new tax year.

  • For companies with long periods of account where adjustments have been input and apportioned for the first accounting period of the long period, creating the second accounting period also transfers all the trade balances and calculate the apportioned values for the second period.

What is not carried forward?

  • Amounts that are specific to the new year (e.g. P60 figures, profit / loss figures, bank interest received).

  • Sources that have ceased (e.g. trades, partnerships, employments etc. which have cessation dates prior to the new tax year).

  • Capital Gains disposals (although brought forward losses will be retained).

  • Capital allowance pools or assets with a zero written down value.