View existing trust tax returns (SA900)

  1. Go to Clients > Client List and find the required client.

  2. From the Trust tax returns widget on the client dashboard, select the required return. The Status tab for the return is shown by default and includes the tax due or overpaid for the tax year, before taking into account adjustments and payments on account.
  3. Select Tax payments made to enter details of payments on account and balancing payments already made for the current year. A new window displays which can be completed. Find out more about recording tax payments made.

You can change the Status of tax return when required.

The following additional tabs are available:

Data input - used to complete the data required for the tax return.

Tax calculation - shows the tax calculation and includes an option to download the calculation as a PDF file.

Tax Return - used to preview the tax return and download a PDF copy.

Review & File - used to validate and prepare the tax return for filing. After the return is validated and the IRmark has been generated, this tab allows the download of various PDF files which can be sent to the client. The tab is also used to submit the return to HMRC and shows HMRC submission messages.

Client/case details - shows details of the client and tax return which can be edited (where available).