Profit/(Loss) calculation

Field Description
Net profit for basis period Displays the calculation of Net business profit/(loss) taking into account any values entered in the Basis period adjustments section.
Allowable loss for period  
Loss to offset against other income for year  
Loss against earlier years  
Losses brought forward from earlier years The carried forward loss from the previous tax year when the new years’ tax return is created. This amount can be overwritten if required.
Brought forward losses used against transitional profits The amount of loss that is being used to reduce this year’s transitional profit taxable. Losses brought forward must be used to offset losses in the earliest year possible.
Brought forward loss used against profits The amount of loss that is being used to reduce this year’s adjusted profit. Losses brought forward must be used to offset losses in the earliest year possible.
Taxable profit after losses Displays the profit after considering any losses brought forward and used against the profit of the current tax year.
Total loss to carry forward Displays the total loss to carry forward into the next year's return.