Non-discretionary income entitlement for R185

Field Description
Override calculated figures  
Net amount of non-savings income taxed at basic rate  
Net amount of savings income taxed at basic rate  
Net amount of dividend income taxed at dividend rate  
Net amount of non-savings income taxed at trust rate Only displayed if Settlor has been selected.
Net amount of savings income taxed at trust rate Only displayed if Settlor has been selected.
Net amount of dividend income taxed at dividend trust rate Only displayed if Settlor has been selected.
Non-savings income paid gross Only displayed if Settlor has been selected.
Savings income paid gross Only displayed if Settlor has been selected.
Additional tax paid on life policy gains etc Only displayed if Settlor has been selected.
Untaxed income  
Net amount of foreign income before tax  
Foreign tax paid on foreign income  
UK tax paid on foreign income  
Stock dividends paid  
Residential property income or restricted finance costs