Other UK income / (losses) section (SA900)
This section is used to enter any income or losses. It's in a grid format. You can delete a line from the grid using the bin icon.
Refer to the HMRC Trust and Estate Tax Return Guide if needed (opens in a new tab).
- Open the required tax return, then select the Data input tab.
- If the required section is listed, select it and skip the next step. If not, select Add a new section.
On Choose a section to add, under UK income, select Other UK income.
If the section is crossed through, it has already been added to the tax return. To adjust it the existing values, close the window and select the section on the Data Input tab.
Complete the following sections, then select Save changes.
- Description of income - enter a brief description of the income.
Category A? - tick the box if the income is Category A income against which losses can be set. Category A income includes: all casual earnings, including ‘one-off’ freelance income; underwriting or sub-underwriting commissions; profits from isolated literary or artistic activities; rental from leasing equipment; post-cessation receipts; recoveries of post-cessation expenses; sale of patent rights for a capital sum.
Income - enter the income before expenses.
Expenses - enter expenses.
Tax taken off - input any tax already taken off the income.
IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts will net off losses against applicable income marked as Category A. If there are losses brought forward these will also be used to reduce the relevant income.
Earlier year losses b/fwd - enter an earlier year losses brought forward.
Loss b/fwd used -shows the amount of losses brought forward that can be used to offset Category A income.
Loss to carry forward - shows any remaining loss to carry forward. This loss will be used to populate the loss b/fwd field for next year’s tax return.