Annual payments made out of capital (SA900)

Add this section if the trustees have received enhanced stock dividends and made compensatory payment out of capital to beneficiaries. This information populates boxes in section 11 of the SA900 return.

Refer to the HMRC Trust and Estate Tax Return Guide if needed (opens in a new tab).

  1. Select the Data input tab.
  2. Select Add a new section....
  3. Select the Other information tab.
  4. Under Other details, select Annual payments made out of capital.

    If the section is crossed through, it has already been added to the tax return. To adjust it the existing values, close the window and select the section on the Data Input tab.

  5. Enter a brief Description (this is for your records and is not shown on the tax return) and Amount of payment after tax has been deducted.
  6. Enter the Tax taken off (the amount of tax that was deducted).
  7. A new line is automatically created as you being completing the first line. Complete as many as required.
  8. The Total is automatically calculated.
  1. Select Save changes.
  2. Add other sections to your tax return as required.