Land and property overseas section (SA800)

Use this section to add details of income received from land and property abroad. Do not use this section to input details of Furnished Holiday Lets in the EEA - these should be entered in the Income from property section.

When entering income from overseas land and property you can choose to enter each property into a separate section, or you can place all properties from a single country into the same section - the results will be automatically aggregated.

All amounts of foreign income received and foreign tax paid must be entered in sterling.

Refer to the HMRC Self Assessment Partnership Tax Return (SA800) guidance if needed (opens in a new tab).

  1. Open the required tax return, then select the Data input tab.
  2. If the required section is listed, select it and skip the next step. If not, select Add a new section.

  1. On Choose a section to add, under Foreign income, select Land and property overseas.

  2. If the section is crossed through, it has already been added to the tax return. To adjust it the existing values, close the window and select the section on the Data Input tab.

  3. Complete the section as follows, then select Save changes.