Losses, other income and deductions

Field Description
Loss brought forward from earlier years

The amount of loss brought forward from earlier years.

If loss values have been rolled forward from the previous tax year, they are automatically displayed here.

Loss brought forward set off against transitional profits Displays the amount of loss that is being used to reduce this year’s transitional profit taxable. Losses brought forward must be used to offset losses in the earliest year possible.
Loss brought forward set off against this year’s profits This figure is the lower of adjusted profit and the losses brought forward.
Override calculated losses brought forward? Select to edit how Loss brought forward from earlier years is being applied.
Any other business income (e.g. non arm’s length reverse premiums) Any other business income that does not appear in the accounts but which is taxable.
Disguised remuneration additions to profits

This field has been removed for the 2021/22 tax year onwards.

Total taxable profits Displays the total taxable profits for the year. If the business has made a loss, 0 (zero) is displayed.
Allowable loss Displays any allowable loss for the year.
Loss set off against other income The amount that is to be set against other income if there is an allowable loss. From tax year 2013/14 there is a limit on the amount of income tax relief that an individual may claim for deduction from their total income in a tax year. For more information refer to the HMRC helpsheet 204.
Loss carried back The amount of loss to be carried back to earlier years.
Loss carried forward Displays show the losses that are carried forward to the following tax year.
CIS deductions on payments from contractors

For sub-contractors in the construction industry.

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) deductions that have been withheld.

Other tax taken off trading income The amount of any other tax that has been taken off trading income.