Business details

Field Description
Business name Required field.
Business description A description of the business activity.
Business address (unless working from home) If required, select (Change address) to enter an address for the business.
Name / address details changed in last 12 months? Select this if the name or address of the business has changed since last year.
Date business started

The date that the business started.


For IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts subscribers only. — this date is included on the tax return if it is in the current year but if you find it useful, you can enter the original start date for memo purposes.

Date business ceased

The cessation date of the business.


For IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts subscribers only. — if this date falls within the year then it is included on the tax return and this self-employment is stopped from being rolled forward to the following year’s tax return.

Using cash basis? Select this if this business is using the cash basis. For more information on the cash basis, refer to HMRC Helpsheet 222.
Use the short self-employment form for this business?

Select to use short form.

You should not use the short form in the following circumstances:

  • Overlap relief is being claimed
  • The accounting date has changed
  • The basis period is different from the accounting date
  • When there is an accounting adjustment (for example, a switch from cash basis to accruals basis)
  • When there is an averaging claim
  • When there are adjustments to profits chargeable to Class 4 NICs