Married couples allowance section

Use this section to claim Married Couple's Allowance for the tax year.

See HMRC guide for eligibility details.

To enter a married couple’s allowance:

  1. Select the Data Input tab.

  2. Select +Add a new section.

  3. A new window displays.Scroll to the bottom to the allowances section and select Married couple’s allowance.

A new window displays which needs to be completed:

Who is claiming MCA?

  • Is the client the husband (or higher earner if married after 5 December 2005)? - tick the box if the taxpayer is the higher earner (or the husband).

Marriage details

  • Name of spouse - enter the name of the spouse or civil partner.

  • Spouse date of birth - enter the spouse or civil partner’s date of birth.

  • Date of marriage (if during tax year) - enter the date of marriage if it was during the tax year.

If client lived with a previous spouse during the year

  • Date of birth of previous spouse - this is only required where the taxpayer was living with a previous spouse or civil partner in the year that is being filed, enter the date of birth of the previous spouse or previous partner.

Prior arrangements to share allowance

  • Transfer HALF of allowance to lower income spouse? - tick the box if the taxpayer has previously elected to transfer half of the allowance to their spouse or civil partner.

  • Transfer ALL of allowance to lower income spouse? - tick the box if the taxpayer has previously elected to transfer all of the allowance to their spouse or civil partner.

Transfer of surplus allowance

  • Transfer surplus allowances to spouse? - tick this box to transfer any surplus allowance to the spouse or civil partner.

  • Or the amount of surplus allowance to claim from spouse - enter the amount of surplus allowance to claim from the spouse or civil partner.