Company information section (CT600)

This section is used to input basic company information and information about the tax return, accounts and computation.

Refer to the HMRC Corporation Tax form for Company Tax (CT600) guidance if needed (opens in a new tab).

  1. Open the required tax return, then select the Data input tab.

  2. If the required section is listed, select it and skip the next step. If not, select Add a new section.

  1. On Choose a section to add, under General, select Company information.

    If the section is crossed through, it has already been added to the tax return. To adjust it the existing values, close the window and select the section on the Data Input tab.

  1. Complete the section as follows, then select Save changes.

Company information

Exporter information

Select all the checkboxes that apply.

Groups and associated companies

Return, accounts and computations

There is no short version of the CT600 for periods starting after 1 April 2015.