Manage annual revenue ranges

You can use Annual Revenue Range to scale the cost of services based on the clients annual revenue range.

By default, the revenue range is configured into the following tiers:

  1. £0.00 (Zero)
  2. Up to £25,000
  3. £25,000 - £50,000
  4. £50,000 - £100,000
  5. £100,000 - £200,000
  6. £200,000 - £500,000
  7. £500,000 - £1,000,000
  8. £1,000,000 - £2,000,000
  9. £2,000,000 - £5,000,000
  10. £5,000,000 - £10,000,000
  11. £10,000,000 - £20,000,000
  12. Over £20,000,000

Change revenue tiers

You can alter the range of tiers, or add additional tiers if needed.

  1. Select the Admin settings cog icon.

  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Proposal manager configuration.
  4. Select Pricing. The Annual revenue range tiers are listed.
  5. Type the range value required into the field for each entry.
  6. If you need to add additional tiers, select Add new range.
  7. If you want to remove a tier, select the trash icon for that line.

    When you select the trash icon for tier line, it becomes Marked for deletion. Items marked for deletion will not be removed until you select Save.

  8. When completed, select Save.