Field placeholders

Here's a list of field placeholders that you can use. If the placeholder you need is not listed here, you can find a field placeholder name. Find out how to use field placeholders.

For emails and text messages

{to.firstname} - pulls the first name of the contact

{to.lastname} - pulls the last name of the contact

{} - pulls the contact's email address

From the sender for emails/text messages:





For letters


You can also change the date format of the today placeholder:

{today | D MMMM YYYY}



Field name Field placeholder

Client name


Primary contact information



Secondary/other contact information

{client.contact2.firstname} {client.contact3.lastname}


{client.address1} {client.address2} {} {client.district} {client.postcode}


Use a | newline to put each address field on a new line.


{client.address1 | newline}{client.address2 | newline}{client.district | newline}{ | newline}{client.postcode | newline}


If you have added any extra address fields or if you're based outside the UK, the field references for address information may be different. You can always find the field placeholder name to double check.

Telephone {client.telephone}
VAT number clint.vatnumber
UTR number client.utr


To pull a list of services offered to a client into an email, use the following:


- {service.title}

{service.sales | optional}

{service.terms | optional}

{if(service.fees.setup)} £{service.fees.setup} setup {endif}

{if(service.fees.monthly)} £{service.fees.monthly} each month {endif}

{if(service.fees.annual)} £{service.fees.annual} per year {endif}


| optional} - data is only pulled through if it contains information

each function - looks for the title, sales and terms for each service, and pulls that information into an email. For example, if I select VAT and payroll for a client, the following information is displayed:

Payroll service

Example sales description

Examples sales terms

£100 setup

£500 each month

- VAT service

Example sales description

Example sales terms

£100 setup

£2000 per year

Field name Field placeholder
Service title


Sales description field of any service {service.sales}
Sales term field of any service {service.terms}
Setup fee field of any service {services.fees.setup}
Monthly fee field of any service {services.fees.monthly}
Annual fee field of any service {services.fees.annual}

Companies House

Company details












Address details






Accounts details









Confirmation statement details


