Import client data from a CSV file
You can import client data into IRIS Elements using a CSV file. We've provided a CSV import template (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet) file for you to use. This file includes the required headings for the data that can be imported, together with some example data. We strongly recommend using this file, and reading this topic, to avoid any import errors.
Due to the way that our import works. dates must be entered in yyyy/mm/dd format, e.g. 2022/12/01. You'll need to change the date format in Microsoft Excel so that you can check the data as it is entered (Excel will convert your date to DD/MM/YYYY if you don't). We've provided instructions at the end of this topic.
Change the date format in Microsoft Excel
Did you know?
We've created a video taking you through this procedure.
Prepare your CSV file
Your CSV file must have one header row, containing column titles for each field value (as per our import template). You don't have to populate all the columns in the CSV, but some are mandatory. We've outlined what can be entered in each column, and whether the content is mandatory in the following table.
Column Heading | Imported into | What can be entered | Mandatory? |
id |
N/A |
Any combination of letters or numbers. |
No |
visibleID |
Client ID field on the Information tab. |
A maximum of 10 letters or numbers can be entered. |
Yes - where Client is entered in the Status column. |
status |
Client State field on the General tab. |
Enter Client, Prospect or Non-client.
A prospect is a person or business who you do not currently offer any services to.
A non-client is a person you want to add, but will not offer any services to, such as a solicitor.
Must be entered exactly as shown including case sensitivity. |
Yes |
type |
Client type field on the General tab. |
Enter either Person (for individuals), Business or Trust.
Must be entered exactly as shown including case sensitivity. |
The following columns become mandatory based on what you've entered:
If Person is entered, forenames, surname and gender are mandatory.
If Business is entered, name and businessType are mandatory.
If Trust is entered, name and TrustType are mandatory. |
name |
Business name field on the Information tab. |
Enter the business name. |
Yes - if you entered Business in the type column. |
tradingAs |
Trading as field on the Information tab. |
Enter the trading as name.
No |
title |
Client Title field on the Information tab.
Enter either Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Doctor, Other.
Must be entered exactly as shown including case sensitivity. |
No |
initial |
Initials field on the Information tab. |
Enter the person's initial using uppercase. |
No |
salutation1 |
Formal salutation field on the Information tab. |
Enter a formal salutation such as Mr Armitage. |
No |
salutation2 |
Informal salutation field on the Information tab. |
Enter an informal salutation such as Martin. |
No |
forenames |
Forenames field on the Information tab. |
Enter names in full, i.e. Michael rather than Mike. |
Yes - if you entered Person in the type column. |
surname |
Surname field on the Information tab. |
Enter the person's surname. |
Yes - if you entered Person in the type column. |
dateOfBirth |
Date of birth field on the Information tab. |
Must be entered in YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD format. The import will fail if this format is not adhered to.
You'll need to change the date format in Microsoft Excel so that you can see that the date has been entered correctly. |
No |
dateOfDeath |
Date of death field on the Information tab. |
Must be entered in YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD format. The import will fail if this format is not adhered to.
You'll need to change the date format in Microsoft Excel so that you can see that the date has been entered correctly. |
No |
nationality |
Nationality list on the Information tab. |
Enter the name of the nationality, e.g. British, American, French, etc.
Once imported, and if needed, you'll be able to edit by selecting from the Nationality list. |
No |
maritalStatus |
Martial status list on the Information tab. |
Enter either Single, Married, Divorced, Civil union, Domestic partner, Widowed or Other. |
No |
gender |
Gender radio buttons on the Information tab. |
Enter either Male, Female or Other.
If no gender is entered, this will default to Male. |
Yes - if you entered Person in the type column. |
niNumber |
NI number field on the Information tab. |
In the format QQ123456C. The import will fail if the NI number is not valid.
Use uppercase for letters. |
No |
utr |
Tax reference (UTR) field on the Information tab. |
Enter a valid UTR (10 or 13 numbers only). The import will fail if the number is not valid. |
No |
vatNumber |
VAT registration number field on the Information tab. |
Enter a valid VAT registration number. |
No |
companyNumber |
Company number field on the Information tab. |
Enter the business company number. |
No |
companyAuthentication |
Company authentication code on the Information tab. |
Enter the company authentication code that is used to authenticate the company's electronic filings with Companies House. |
No |
countryRegisteredIn | Registered in list on the Information tab. |
Enter the name of the country the business was registered in.
Once imported, and if needed, you'll be able to edit by selecting from the Registered in list. |
No |
businessType | Business type list on the Information tab. |
Enter either Limited Company, Limited Liability Partnership, Partnership, Sole Trade, Incorporated Charity, Unincorporated Charity, or Other. |
Yes - if you entered Business in the type column. |
tradingCommenced | Trading commenced field on the Information tab. |
Enter the date the business started trading.
Must be entered in YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD format. The import will fail if this format is not adhered to.
You'll need to change the date format in Microsoft Excel so that you can see that the date has been entered correctly. |
No |
tradingCeased | Trading ceased field on the Information tab. |
Enter the date the business ceased trading (if applicable).
Must be entered in YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD format. The import will fail if this format is not adhered to.
You'll need to change the date format in Microsoft Excel so that you can see that the date has been entered correctly. |
No |
incorporated | Incorporated field on the Information tab. |
Enter the date the business was incorporated.
Must be entered in YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD format. The import will fail if this format is not adhered to.
You'll need to change the date format in Microsoft Excel so that you can see that the date has been entered correctly. |
No |
mainAddressLine1 | Address line 1 field on the Information tab. | Enter the first line of the address. | Yes |
mainAddressLine2 | Address line 2 field on the Information tab. | Enter the second line of the address. | No |
mainAddressLine3 | City/Town field on the Information tab. | Enter the city or town of the address. | No |
mainAddresspostcode | Postcode field on the Information tab. |
Enter the postcode.
You don't need to enter any spaces but the import won't be rejected if you do. |
Yes |
mainAddresstown | City/Town field on the Information tab. |
Enter the town for the address. |
Yes |
mainAddresscounty | County field on the Information tab. |
Enter the county for the address. |
No |
mainAddresscountry | Country list on the Information tab. |
Once imported, and if needed, you'll be able to edit by selecting from the Country list. |
Yes |
primaryEmail | Email address field on the Information tab. |
Enter the email address which must contain an @ sign. |
No |
mainPhoneNumber | Number field on the Information tab. |
Enter numbers only. Spaces are permitted, but not required. |
No |
Change the date format in Microsoft Excel
Due to the way that our import works. dates must be entered in yyyy/mm/dd format, e.g. 2022/12/01. You'll need to change the date format in Microsoft Excel so that you can check the data as it is entered (Excel will convert your date to DD/MM/YYYY if you don't).
Right click on the applicable date column, select Format Cells.
Select Date, then choose the applicable YYYY/MM/DD format and select OK.
You'll need to do this each time you save the CSV file as the date format return to your PC date format each time.
Enter names in full
IRIS Elements does not store a 'known as' name. Therefore, make sure you enter names in their full format, e.g. use Michael, not Mike. This also prevents duplication of records in case the client record already exists in the platform.
Import the data
- Go to Clients > Client list.
From the Import clients list, select Import clients form CSV.
Drag the required import file onto the screen or select choose to select the file.
Select Upload. An uploading file message is shown whilst the import is carried out.
A successful message is shown and your client data appears in the client list.
If the upload fails, you will be prompted to check your file and try again.