Firm-wide Risk Assessment
Complete a risk assessment for your practice to help you identify key risk indicators. You can also view answers to previously submitted risk assessments.
In IRIS Elements (v.0), you can:
Why do I need a firm-wide risk assessment?
Money laundering presents a huge risk to your reputation, finances, and the law so you must take appropriate action to protect your practice from being exploited by criminals.
Completing a firm-wide risk assessment in IRIS Elements (v.0) demonstrates that you've taken adequate steps to identify the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing. A firm-wide risk assessment identifies the areas of your business that are most exposed so you can focus your resources on the areas of greatest risk.
The requirement to produce a firm-wide risk assessment is set out at Regulation 18 of the money laundering regulations. The risk assessment you produce must:
address the risk factors (clients, geographies, products and services, transactions) set out in the money laundering regulations
take into account, and be appropriate to, the size and nature of your business
Politically-exposed People (PEP)
A politically exposed person (PEP) is a person who has been appointed by a community institution, an international body, or a state, to a high-profile position within the last 12 months.
Under anti-money laundering regulations, monitoring PEPs helps to mitigate the risk that the proceeds of bribery and corruption may be laundered, or assets otherwise stripped from their country of origin.