ID Check
UK ID checks are £2.50 per check.
You're charged a fee for each check so make sure that the client information you submit is accurate and correctly formatted to avoid unnecessary costs.
The current status of the most recent ID check is shown on the AML tab in each client record and on the ID checks widget on your Home page (only UK ID checks due to expire are shown on the Home page ID checks widget).
You're charged a fee for each ID check so make sure that the client information you submit is accurate and correctly formatted to avoid unnecessary costs.
- On the menu bar, select Clients.
- Select the client you want to run an ID check for then select the AML tab.
- If the Primary address of the client is in the UK (specifically England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) the ID check widget is displayed with information about the check, or a summary of the results of a previous ID check.
The default view is a widget that shows the information and cost of the ID check. If you have permission, you can run an ID check.
- To view the results of a previous ID check, on the Select ID check list, select the ID check you want to view. The results are shown in the ID check panel.
- If you have permission, select Run check. Validate that you've informed your client or prospect that an ID check will be performed and select Confirm and run. The ID check request is submitted.
The ID check request is a 'click and forget' service, so you can complete another AML task related to the client, or navigate to other parts of IRIS Elements (v.0), while you're waiting for the results.
ID check results
Depending on the result of individual and bulk ID checks, the Risk level and Next due date are set automatically. they are displayed on the ID check widget on the AML tab of the client record.
When a UK ID check is returned, the information provided includes a risk level, identity score, whether the individual has been AML verified, and any warnings that are associated with the individual.
Risk level
When the identity score returned is 40/40, the Risk level is set to Normal and the Next due date is set to 12 months.
When the identity score is between 10/40 and 30/40, the Risk level is set to High.
When the identity score is 0/40, the Risk level is set to High and the Next due date is set to 1 week.
Identity score
This relates to the identity of the individual and is made up of identity match, address match, date of birth confirmed, and at least 2 primary checks. The maximum score is 40 and 10 points are lost for each criteria missing.
For example, identity match, address match, at least 2 primary checks but date of birth not confirmed would return a 30/40 score.
AML verified
This indicates that the individual has met the verification criteria. This is ID, address, date of birth, and two or more primary checks.
Warnings relate to any triggers associated with part of the check. If three or more warnings are returned with the response then regardless of the identity score, the Risk level is set to High and the Next due date is set to 6 months.
You can override these values.
Primary checks and SHARE records
Any reference to primary data sets refers to SHARE, Electoral Register, CCJs, or Bankruptcy and Insolvency data.
SHARE records include Loan & Installment, Mortgage, Revolving Credit & Budget, Telecommunications, Utilities, Home Shopping, Bank, Miscellaneous, Insurance, and Home Credit.