Update — March 2023

The following updates were made to IRIS Reach during March 2023:

New Features

Community Reach — Email Report

To help speed up loading the Email report in Community Reach, date filters have been added.

New Payment Provider

During March and April 2023, we are rolling out a change to our payment provider for credit and debit card payments from Pay360 to Barclays.

From 1st May 2023, we will stop processing transactions through Pay360. PayCash transactions will also stop from this date.

If your organisation A school, multi-academy trust (MAT), single academy trust (SAT), club, nursery or organisation that uses the software. uses Payments in the MyEd Name of the application parents and carers use to receive messages sent by schools using IRIS Reach. app, parents and carers will receive notification of the changes.

For more information about how these changes affect parents and carers, or if they contact you for help, go to Payment Provider Changes.

Fixes and Updates

Parents' Evening Manager

IRIS Identity Password Policy

On 26th March 2023, IRIS Software Group will be updating the IRIS Identity Password Rules to bring them in-line with the UK Government's recommendations for Cyber Essentials.

When changing or resetting your IRIS Identity account password for IRIS Reach, you will no longer have to meet password complexity rules.

For more information about the changes, visit our IRIS Identity Help Centre.

Removed Features

  • Ethnicity and Religion data no longer imported when using IRIS Sync