Edit Parents' Evening Events

When you have created an event it can be edited until invites are sent and the status is Bookings Open. If invites have been sent, you must cancel the event, then create a new event.

Event Status Details you can Edit
Draft, Created
  • Event dates
  • Appointment lengths
  • Session times
  • Appointment types
  • Invitation send date
  • Bookings close date
  • Invitation text
  • Reminder text
  • Reminder send date
  • Substitute staff members
  • Staff member appointment times
Bookings Open
  • Substitute staff members
  • Staff member appointment times

To make the above edits, you must do this through the Manually Book option.

Live / Bookings Closed, Completed None
  1. Find the required parents' evening event.
  2. Select the required event, then Edit.
  3. Change the required details.

    You must select Save before moving onto the next section. If you go back and make changes in a previously saved section, you must enter the details again in the sections that follow it.

Status Details you can Edit
Draft, Created
Bookings Open
Live, Completed None