Manage MyEd App Use

In IRIS Reach you can view whether a person A parent, legal guardian, carer, or someone responsible for a student. has downloaded, activated, and is using the MyEd Name of the application parents and carers use to receive messages sent by schools using IRIS Reach. app. You can use the information about the MyEd app usage to help your organisation A school, multi-academy trust (MAT), single academy trust (SAT), club, nursery or organisation that uses the software. promote the app.

A person who has been added as a contact in IRIS Reach have either Priority 1 or Parental Responsibility selected in your Management Information System (MIS). For more information, go to Use Contact Details for Communications.

Select Data Management, then one of the following options: 

  • No My Ed — displays details of any person responsible for a student who has not downloaded the app
  • Students With My Ed — displays details of at least one person responsible for a student who has downloaded the app
  • Students Without My Ed — displays details of any person responsible for a student who has not downloaded or has downloaded but is not using the app
  • Inactive My Ed Users — displays details of any person responsible for a student who has not actively used the app for at least a month. If the person is inactive on the app, they only receive messages as texts and become an active app user again when the messages are read.

If the person has already been contacted to request they download or use the MyEd app, the details are displayed in Last Letter.

Send an Email, Letter, or Message

If you want to contact a person to encourage them to update their contact details or download and use the MyEd app, you can send an email, letter, or message.

Enter the name in Search to find a specific student or person. Alternatively, to display all students for a specific year group, select a year group from the Show All Years drop-down list, then select Filter by Year.

  1. Select the check box in Select next to the required Student Name.
  2. Select Send Email, Send Message, or Send Letter Automatically creates and downloads a PDF version of the message.. For more information, go to Compose Parent Communications.