List of Dynamic Text for Communications
Dynamic Text A token that is replaced by text when a message is sent. For example, adding [Title], would be replaced with Miss, Mr, Mrs, depending on the title recorded in a database for the recipient. fields are used in IRIS Reach to include data that is extracted from your Management Information System (MIS) in messages. For example, [STUDENT] is replaced by the student's full name when the message is sent.
Any contact details included using dynamic text are taken from the person A parent, legal guardian, carer, or someone responsible for a student. assigned as the Primary Contact for the student in your Management Information System (MIS). If a Primary Contact is not assigned to a student, then no information can be included in the message.
Parent Reach Dynamic Text
The following dynamic text can be included in Text, MyEd Name of the application parents and carers use to receive messages sent by schools using IRIS Reach. App, and Voice Messages for Parent Reach Module for IRIS Reach used to send MyEd app messages, texts, or emails to parents and carers for individual or all students.:
- [ATTENDANCE] — attendance percentage for the student
- [DATE] — includes the current date
- [GUARDIANFNAME] — the first name of the students' Primary Contact
- [GUARDIANSHORTNAME] — the title, initial, or last name of the students' Primary Contact
- [GUARDIANSNAME] — the last name of the students' Primary Contact
- [GUARDIANTITLE] — the title of the students' Primary Contact
- [GUARDIAN] — the title, first and last name of the students' Primary Contact
- [HESHE] — sets the gender based on the student's details
- [HIMHER] — sets the gender based on the student's details
- [HISHER] — sets the gender based on the student's details
- [LINK] — the details of a Microsite or Form Link selected from the drop-down list
- [NMARKS] — the number of N attendance marks for the student
- [NUMBEROFLATES] — the number of late attendance marks for the student
- [REG] — the student's registration group
- [SCHOOLNAME] — your organisation A school, multi-academy trust (MAT), single academy trust (SAT), club, nursery or organisation that uses the software. name
- [SCHOOLSWITCHBOARD] — your organisation switchboard telephone number
- [SCHOOLTEL] — your organisation attendance telephone number
- [SONDAUGHTER] — sets the relationship to the recipient based on the student's details
- [STUDENTFNAME] — the student's first name
- [STUDENTSNAME] — the student's last name
- [STUDENT] — the student's first and last name
- [YEAR] — the student's year group
The following dynamic text can be included in Emails and Letters for Parent Reach:
- [ALLABSENCENUMBER] — number of all absences, including authorised and unauthorised, for the student
- [ATTENDANCENUM] — number of absences for the student
- [ATTENDANCE] — attendance percentage for the student
- [AUTHORISEDNUM] — number of authorised absences for the student
- [AUTHORISED] — percentage of authorised absences for the student
- [DATE] — includes the current date
- [EMAIL] — email address of the student's Primary Contact
- [FULLGUARDIANNAME] — the title, first and last name of the students' Primary Contact
- [FULLSTUDENTNAME] — the student's first and last name
- [GUARDIANADDRESS] — full postal address of the student's Primary Contact
- [GUARDIANFNAME] — the first name of the students' Primary Contact
- [GUARDIANNAME] — the title, initial, or last name of the students' Primary Contact
- [GUARDIANSNAME] — the last name of the students' Primary Contact
- [GUARDIANTITLE] — the title of the students' Primary Contact
- [HESHE] — sets the gender based on the student's details
- [HIMHER] — sets the gender based on the student's details
- [HISHER] — sets the gender based on the student's details
- [LANDLINE] — telephone number of the student's Primary Contact
- [LATES] — the number of late attendance marks for the student
- [LINK1] — the details of a Microsite or Form Link selected from Pre-Made Attachment 1 drop-down list
- [LINK2] — the details of a Microsite or Form Link selected from Pre-Made Attachment 2 drop-down list
- [LINK3] — the details of a Microsite or Form Link selected from Pre-Made Attachment 3 drop-down list
- [MOBILE] — mobile number of the student's Primary Contact
- [NMARKS] — the number of N attendance marks for the student
- [NUMBEROFLATES] — the number of late attendance marks for the student
- [OMARKS] — the number of O attendance marks for the student
- [REG] — the student's registration group
- [SCHOOLNAME] — your organisation name
- [SCHOOLSWITCHBOARD] — your organisation switchboard telephone number
- [SCHOOLTEL] — your organisation attendance telephone number
- [SHORTGUARDIANNAME] — the title and last name of the students' Primary Contact
- [SHORTSTUDENTNAME] — the student's first name
- [SIGNATURE] — (letters only) includes image of a signature
- [SONDAUGHTER] — sets the relationship to the recipient based on the student's details
- [STUDENTFNAME] — the student's first name
- [STUDENTNAME] — the student's first and last name
- [STUDENTSNAME] — the student's last name
- [UMARKS] — the number of U attendance marks for the student
- [UNAUTHORISEDMARKS] — all unauthorised absences for the student
- [UNAUTHORISEDNUM] — number of unauthorised absences for the student
- [UNAUTHORISED] — percentage of unauthorised absences for the student
- [YEAR] — the student's year group
Community Reach Dynamic Text
The following dynamic text can be included in Text, MyEd App, Voice Messages, Email, and Letters for Community Reach:
- [REACHADDRESS] — the recipients full address
- [REACHDATE] — includes the current date
- [REACHEMAIL] — the recipients email address
- [REACHNAME] — the recipients name
- [REACHNUMBERS] — the recipients telephone number
- [REACHTYPE] — the contact type assigned to the recipient, for example, staff member
- [SIGNATURE] — (letters only) includes image of a signature