Reconcile Payments

Reconciling payments is the process of reviewing the payments made using IRIS PlusPay, and matching them to money received in the applicable bank account(s).

Run Transaction Report

  1. Select Reports > Payment Reports.
  2. A list of payment reports is displayed in the next panel. Select the Transactions for Selected Date Range report (The maximum date range for the report is 3 months).
  3. A summary of the report and criteria is displayed. Select the From and To dates, then select Generate Report.

    It usually takes 2 to 3 working days for payments made using IRIS PlusPay to transfer to your bank account, so you need to view payment information 2-3 days ahead on your statement. We recommend adding 3 days either side to capture all applicable payments that might be on the statement. For example, to reconcile a January statement, include the last 3 days of December and the first 3 days of February in the report dates.

  1. An Information window is displayed whilst the report is generating. Select OK.
  2. From the Transactions for selected date range panel, select CSV or PDF to download a copy of the report.

Reconcile the Payments

Before starting your organisation A school, multi-academy trust (MAT), single academy trust (SAT), club, nursery or organisation that uses the software. reconciliation process, you need to know the following information about IRIS ParentMail and IRIS PlusPay:

  • IRIS ParentMail transfer payments on a weekly basis and do not transfer payments of less than the set threshold amount. If you need to be reminded of threshold, please contact us via Live Chat. For example, if you have a threshold of £50 set — if transactions for a day total £20, payments are not transferred until another £30 of transactions has been made.

  • If you are a NET settled organisation, the threshold is based on figures after transaction charges and VAT are deducted. For example, your threshold is £50 and you currently have £40 in the account. An additional transaction of £10 does not meet the threshold because after VAT and transaction charges, the resulting amount is only £8. We would not transfer payments until a further transaction was made. This excludes the end of the month when any payments are transferred for you to reconcile your account.

  • When a refund is processed, a negative balance is displayed for payments. IRIS ParentMail waits until the account has a positive balance before payments start being made again.

If you do have any queries about account reconciliation, log a support ticket (a Service Cloud account is required)