Manage Outstanding Payments
We recommend you regularly review and monitor any outstanding payments, so that any necessary steps can be taken to chase / recover the outstanding debt.
Export Cashless Reconciliation Report
A report listing all the arrears and balances for each selected user can be produced and exported.
- Select either Payments > Cashless Reconciliation.
- A list of users linked to the cashless catering system is displayed. Enter the required Balance Under, then select Filter.
- Select Select from the header bar to include all displayed users, then select Export.
- The file is automatically downloaded as a CSV file once generated and can be opened and printed (the method depends on the internet browser you are using).
Export Register Activity Report
- Select Registers > Register Activity.
- Select the required register from the Select Register drop-down list.
- Select an option from the Report By drop-down list, then select Filter.
- Select Select from the header bar to include all displayed users, then select Export. A message is displayed asking if you want to select users on all pages of the list. Select Yes or No.
- The file is automatically downloaded as a CSV file once generated and can be opened and printed (the method depends on the internet browser you are using).
Check Outstanding Payments
Select Payments > Outstanding Payments.
The number of outstanding payments is displayed adjacent to the menu option.
The View Outstanding Payments window with a list of all the outstanding payments for all payment items displayed.
If required, enter a name in Search... to display outstanding payments for specific users.
The following details are displayed:
- Student Name — Name of the user
- Product — Name of the payment item
- Purchaser Name — Name of the payee
- Amount Paid — Amount paid so far
- Amount Due — Amount that needs to be paid
- Due Date — Payment Due Date
- Days Over Due — Number of days payment is overdue
Select any of the column headers to sort them in a different order.
Select Download to automatically generate an Overdue Payments report