Manage Orders
Any orders made by a person A parent, legal guardian, carer, or someone responsible for a student. are automatically recorded against the item. Orders can be viewed in real-time progress.
Manage Orders by Item
- Select Payments > Payment Items.
- Select the item, select Actions, then View Orders.
The View Orders for... window is displayed. Select the required User(s).
Enter a name in Search... to display the details for a specific user.
The following options are available:
- Export — download a list of order details for the selected users.
- Mark Cancelled — mark the order as cancelled. For more information, go to Cancel Orders.
- Mark Complete — mark the order complete when payment has been made and items delivered.
- SMS — send a text message to selected users about the order.
- Email — send an email to selected users about the order.
- Refund — process an order refund. For more information, go to Refund Orders.
- Make Payment — make payments for a individual or multiple students. For more information, go to Process Orders.
Send an Email about an Order
If required, you can send an email relating to an order. For example, to follow up on a refund, provide information on an event, etc.
- From the View Orders for... window, select the required User(s), then select Email.
- The Compose an Email window with the selected recipients is displayed.
- Select and enter the required details, for more information, go to Creating and Sending Emails, then select Send.
A Confirm Email Send window is displayed with the number of emails and paper copies that will be sent/generated. Select Confirm to return to the View Orders for... window.
Select Email > Sent to view a copy of the sent email(s).
Send a Text Message about an Order
If required, you can send a text message relating to an order. For example, to follow up on a refund, provide information on an event, etc.
- From the View Orders for... window, select the required User(s), then select SMS.
- The Compose an SMS window with the selected recipients is displayed.
- Select and enter the required details, for more information, go to Creating and Sending Text Messages, then select Send.
A warning message with the details of the number of text messages s that will be sent/generated. It also confirms the number of people that could not be sent the message. Select Yes to display the View Orders for... window.
Select SMS > Sent to view a copy of the sent text message(s).
Mark Orders as Complete
Marking an order as complete updates the Status to COMPLETE, and is required if a person has part paid for an item and you want to write off the outstanding amount and deliver the item, or the price of an item has been reduced since an order was placed. For more information, go to Manage Complete Orders.
Export Item Orders
A list of payments made can be produced for one or more users as a CSV file, which can be further analysed or printed from Microsoft Excel.
- From the View Orders for... window, select the required User(s), then select Export.
- Export is changed to Generating while the file is being produced.
- The CSV file is automatically generated and can be opened or printed as required (the method depends on the internet browser you are using).
Manage Orders by Payments
Any orders made by users are automatically recorded in IRIS ParentMail in Order History. You can view real-time progress of orders and there are various options available for managing these orders.
- Select Payments > Order History.
Select the required order to display the order details.
If you are searching by a user, have the details of the transaction date as there could be multiple transactions for that user.
Details include the following information:
- Order date — the date the order was processed.
- Total price — the amount paid for this order.
- Order Id — the ID of the order.
- Actions — provides access to Refund, Email Receipt, or Print Receipt.
- Items — displays an overview of orders.
- View Payments — displays the payment history for the ordered item.
Refund the Order
- From the Order Details panel, select Actions, then Refund.
- The Refund Order window is displayed. For more information, go to Refund Orders.
Email a Receipt
If you need to email a receipt for this order, for example, the person has misplaced their order confirmation email, select Actions, then Email Receipt.
The email is automatically sent immediately. An Information window is displayed, select OK to return to the order details.
Print a Receipt
If you need to print a receipt for this order, for example, a paper copy is required, select Actions, then Print Receipt.
A PDF file is automatically downloaded to your browser and can be viewed/printed in the usual way (the method depends on the internet browser you are using).
View Payment History
If you need to view the transaction history for this order, select View Payments adjacent to the required item. The Payments Regarding window is displayed.
Paid? — A green tick is displayed if the payments have been made for this order. An amber cross is displayed if payments are outstanding for this order.
Due Date/Date of payment — For green tick transactions, the date the transaction was processed is displayed. For amber cross transactions, when the payment is due is displayed.
Amount — For green tick transactions, the date the amount was paid is displayed. For amber cross transactions, the amount due is displayed.
Payment method — For green tick transactions, the method of payment is displayed. For amber cross transactions, N/A is displayed.
Customer name — For green tick transactions, the payee who processed the transaction is displayed. For amber cross transactions, this is blank until payment is received.
Customer number — Is blank for all transactions.
Refundable — Displays No or Yes depending on whether you have allowed the order to be refundable.