Using IRIS Data Extractor with IRIS Looked After Call

IRIS Data Extractor must be installed by your organisation to be used with IRIS Looked After Call when working with local authorities, so they can meet their statutory obligations to provide attendance information for students they are responsible for. For more information about IRIS Data Extractor, visit the IRIS Data Extractor help centre.

Only information relating to students at your organisation in the care of the local authority is collected from your Management Information System (MIS) using IRIS Data Extractor. The following information is collected: 

  • Contact Details
  • Attendance Information
  • Detention Details
  • Behaviour, Performance, and Achievements Details
  • Personal Education Plan (PEP) 
  • Special Education Needs Information
  • Exam Results

Information is kept up to date automatically by IRIS Data Extractor, so you do not need to manually supply any data.