Considerations Prior to using IRIS Invoice Matcher
Before using IRIS Invoice Matcher, there are a number of things you need to consider and set up to ensure smooth running of the automatic invoice matching process.
Set up a dedicated email address to receive invoices from suppliers
As part of the onboarding process, you need to set up one or more dedicated email addresses to receive invoices from suppliers.
A separate email address is required for each location or entity if orders are processed and recorded by each location. If orders are processed centrally, for example, in a Head Office or Multi Academy Trust, only one dedicated email address is required.
To advise all suppliers of the required email address to which they should send invoices, you can export a list of supplier email addresses in PS Accounting, For more information, please see How to - Obtain a List of Supplier Email Addresses and Globally Email Suppliers in our Knowledge Base (v2, v4, v6) or Extracting Supplier Email Addresses for Use in a Mail Merge .
Any invoices that are not sent to the dedicated email address need to be manually uploaded to IRIS Invoice Matcher. For more information, please see Manually Upload an Invoice.
Appointed Users
It is recommended that you appoint two administrators to look after the maintenance of IRIS Invoice Matcher. This ensures cover if one administrator is unavailable. An administrator's duties typically include:
- Setting up new users
- Amending existing users
- Troubleshooting issues
In addition to administrators, you need to nominate a number of finance users who are responsible for manually verifying invoices that do not pass validation. It is recommended that you nominate at least two users per location, to ensure cover during periods of leave. Alternatively, if you have a central finance function, it is recommended you have sufficient cover depending on the number of invoices that are processed on a daily basis.
File Types
IRIS Invoice Matcher only supports PDF (.pdf), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), PNG(.png), and TIFF/TIF(.tiff, .tif) file formats. Please ensure your suppliers only send invoices in one of these supported formats.
Saving Attachments
You must decide whether to save invoice attachments to IRIS Invoice Matcher's dedicated cloud server or your own local Universal Naming Convention (UNC) location. This can then be configured for you as part of the onboarding process.
New User Account
A new user group called INVMATCH is automatically created for PS Accounting when IRIS Invoice Matcher is installed and configured by IRIS Financials. The INVMATCH user account is to be displayed against any documents that have been created by IRIS Invoice Matcher. For more information, please see How to - Create & Maintain User Groups in our Knowledge Base (v2, v4, v6) or Adding a New User Group (v7+).
If you create any new Nominals, Accounts, Ledger, or Document Types after IRIS Invoice Matcher has been configured, you need to assign the applicable security to the INVMATCH user. For more information, please see How to - Assign Security Roles to User Groups in our Knowledge Base (v2, v4, v6) or Assign Security Roles to User Groups (v7+).
New EPI Document Type
A new document type is created called Electronic Purchase Invoice (EPI). You need to ensure all applicable users have access to this new document type so they can see these invoices. For more information, please see How to - Assign Document Security in our Knowledge Base (v2, v4, v6) or Checking Security for Viewing and Authorising Non-Order Documents (v7+).
Credit Notes
Credit Notes are not supported and must be input manually into PS Accounting/IRIS Financials.
Automatic Goods Received Notes
We would not recommend using IRIS Invoice Matcher with the automatic GRN feature.
I f you use the automatic GRN feature,IRIS Invoice Matcher is compatible with workflows that automatically post goods received notes.