What's New with IRIS Invoice Matcher - Version 7 - October 2021
Changes have been made to IRIS Invoice Matcher, IRIS Financials Purchasing and IRIS Financials to help with the automatic matching of suppliers that specify their own purchase order number on their invoices, such as Amazon. These include:
Additional Analysis field in IRIS Financials to determine whether a supplier, such as Amazon, specifies their own purchase order number on an invoice.
Additional step in your establishment/organisationauthorisation workflow in IRIS Financials Purchasing to allow users to add an external purchase order number.
Additional IRIS Financials Purchasing status of POAMEND to allow specified users to edit authorised purchase orders in the event of price changes, discounts and delivery.
Tolerance level to determine when edited purchase orders which have already been authorised require re-authorisation.
Previous process for Amazon Purchase Orders
Some suppliers, such as Amazon, specify a purchase order number at the point you order the goods. This means when the purchase invoice is received from the supplier, IRIS Invoice Matcher will not be able to automatically match the invoice with the purchase order as it tries to match using the IRIS Financials Purchasing generated purchase order number. Suppliers such as Amazon will also add discounts as negative values on the invoice which were not previously supported in IRIS Financials Purchasing.
A user adds goods to a basket on the Amazon website.
A purchase order is entered on IRIS Financials Purchasing with the details of the items in the Amazon basket and submitted for approval.
Once approved, the user logs onto the Amazon website and converts the basket of goods into an order. Amazon confirms the order and generates their own purchase order number.
The goods are received and the GRN is entered on IRIS Financials Purchasing.
The invoice is sent by Amazon to the email address registered in IRIS Invoice Matcher. The invoice contains delivery charges and a discount which were not included on the purchase order entered on IRIS Financials Purchasing.
IRIS Invoice Matcher is unable to match the Amazon invoice with the IRIS Financials Purchasing purchase order due to the following:
The IRIS Financials Purchasing purchase order number and the Amazon purchase order number do not match.
IRIS Financials Purchasing purchase order numbers are automatically generated and cannot be changed. As Amazon specify their own purchase order numbers on their invoices, the OrderNumber field on IRIS Invoice Matcher will never be matched. This will require manual verification each time an Amazon invoice is received.
Price changes, delivery charges and promotions
Items added to the Amazon basket prior to the order being placed will not display price changes and carriage or promotions. As a result, these will not be added onto the purchase order in IRIS Financials Purchasing. This means when IRIS Invoice Matcher attempts to match the Amazon invoice with the purchase order, the prices will not match.
The price of items on Amazon regularly change. If there is a delay from the items being added to the Amazon basket and the purchase order being raised and authorised, there may be a difference in the price of the actual items which will require manual verification in IRIS Invoice Matcher.
New Process for Amazon Purchase Orders
An update has been made to IRIS Financials Purchasing which will allow specified users to make changes to authorised purchase orders where a supplier, such as Amazon, provides their own purchase order number.
By default, all changes made to an authorised purchase order will need to be re-approved. You can set a tolerance limit to allow changes up to a certain value of the original order without the need to be re-authorised. See Configuring Tolerance Limits for Amended Purchase Orders V7.
You need to flag any suppliers that supply their own purchase order number on invoices in IRIS Financials. This will trigger an additional step in your existing authorisation workflow in IRIS Financials Purchasing. See Configuring IRIS Invoice Matcher for Suppliers that Provide their Own Purchase Order Numbers V7.
For a full overview of dealing with Amazon purchase orders and any suppliers that provide their own purchase order number, see Processing Purchase Orders where Suppliers Provide the Purchase Order Number V7.
What you need to do
The updates are automatically applied to your IRIS Financials suite when you are upgraded but you will need to configure the following:
Admin access required
Update any suppliers on your PURCHASE ledger that provide their own purchase order number on their invoices. See Configuring IRIS Invoice Matcher for Suppliers that Provide their Own Purchase Order Numbers V7.
Set a tolerance limit on your PARAMETERS ledger to determine when changes to authorised purchase orders need to be re-authorised. See Configuring Tolerance Limits for Amended Purchase Orders V7.