Set Up Authorisation Limits for Changed Purchase Orders

Purchase orders are sent for authorisation when either:

  • A specified limit is reached
  • If no limit is set, when changes have been made

To allow changes up to a certain value to be made to a purchase order without authorisation, you must set the tolerance percentage.

Limits are applied to all purchase orders for all suppliers.

  1. Go to Masters, then select Accounts....

  2. Select the PARAMETERS - Parameters Ledger.
  3. In Code, find POAMENDAPPR, then select User Fields.
  4. For Element Text, enter No in Value.
  5. To update the field, click into another User Field.
  6. To save, select Apply.
  7. In Code, find POAMENDTOL, then select User Fields.
  8. For Element Text, enter the required percentage amount in Value.

    For example, to send for approval again if the changes are more than 10% of the original order total, enter 10.

  9. To update the field, click into another User Field.
  10. To save, select Apply.