Processing Petty Cash Expenditure

The nominals and ledgers used in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.

To post petty cash expenditure:

  1. Go to Options > Document Input > Select the Petty Cash Document type from the drop down list.
  2. Enter the Date and Period relating to the transaction.

  3. On the Input form double click in the Petty Cash tin and select the tin relating to the transaction.

  4. In the Description field, enter a short description of the transaction.

  5. The Document field will be the total balance - including any VAT for the transaction.
  6. The rest of the fields can then be completed.

    The Supplier VAT Number must be completed if the transaction has VAT on it. This can usually be found on the receipt or invoice. If this is not completed, the document will not appear on the VAT 126 report.