Release Notes - v 2.22.53 - November 2022

This topic provides information about new features and fixes in version 2.22.53 of PS People.

New Features


Fixes and Updates

School Workforce Census Fixes and Updates

  • Inability to submit XML to COLLECT — Field <WTEOperator> no longer appears in the XML generated by the Submit Workforce Census process.
  • Error 4830 – Additional Payment not output onto submission if value is £0 — Additional payments no longer left out from the XML submission when the value is set to £0.
  • Additional Payments Start and End Date, and correct value not displaying for customers using the Workforce Parameter ‘Payroll History’ — Start and end dates for additional payments now correctly output into the XML submission file where Workforce Parameter is set to Payroll History. The value of the payment now outputs as a single figure in the XML output file.
  • Error 4990 Where <LastDayofAbsence> is provided and <AbsenceCategory> is equal to <SIC> the <WorkingDaysLost> must be > 0 — Check Workforce Census no longer triggers error 4490 when absences are 0.5 working days.
  • Incorrect values for absences output into XML and used for error checking — Absences now correctly use working days when reporting absences in the XML submission.
  • Error 4825Q – Error checking for allowances over £21,000 — The Check Workforce Census now triggers error 4825Q when additional payments included in the return have a value over £21,000.
  • Error 4512Q – adjustment of DfE message — The message output into the Check Force Census has been amened to cover two scenarios relating to error 4512Q:

    • Where the Pay Framework is blank, customers are prompted to complete the Pay Framework – either Pre 2014 or 2014.
    • If the Pay Framework has been set, that the Pay Range must be set to Leadership.
  • Ending a contract should not always update the status of Employment History to historical — Ending a contract in both the Portal and the Windows desktop application now results in:

    • Contracts that have an end date greater than the current business date continuing to have a status of Active.
    • Contracts that have an end date equal to or earlier than the current business date now have a status set of Historical.

    A daily scheduled run task has been implemented to update any employment history records with an end date earlier or equal to the current business date to the Historical status.

Other Fixes and Updates

  • Connection issue with GetGot — Corrected the API base URL so it ends with a / in the configuration that was preventing successful connections.
  • Gender pay gap report not working when multiple templates selected — No longer generating a system error when the payroll template is left blank. The payroll template is left blank where all employees are required on the report.
  • SSP only calculating 137 days for long-term sickness — Long-term sickness absence now correctly allocating the maximum SSP days to the employee, calculating to 140 days.
  • Further education workforce census (FEW) role parameter – incorrect column length — FEW role field now allows entry of codes larger than one digit to match the requirements of the DfE code structure.
  • FEW employee details and SIR FE menu items not populating expected form(s) — FEW employee details in HR record now display the expected form. The SIR FE menu items now load any forms when selected.
  • P32 picking up incorrect maximum period ends where multiple templates are in use — The P32 analysis report no longer reports an incorrect maximum number of periods where customers had multiple templates containing a mixture of monthly and weekly payroll. The report now shows an end period set to the maximum number of periods for the template specified.