Submit the FE Workforce Census

After all the data required for the FE Workforce Census has been entered and configured, the FE Workforce file can be generated for submission.

  1. Go to SIR, select Functions, then Utilities, then Prepare FEW Submission.
  2. The following information must be completed: 

    The File Name is automatically generated as the required information is entered.

    • Collection — Automatically set by the system as FEW and cannot be changed
    • Year of Collection — Select the start year of the collection period, for example, for Academic Year 2022 - 2023, 2022 is selected
    • File Creation Date or File Preparation Date — Automatically set by the system and cannot be changed
    • Protective Marking — Automatically set by the system as OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE-Personal and cannot be changed
    • UK PRN — Enter the UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) allocated by the UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP)
    • Software Supplier — Automatically set by the system and cannot be changed
    • Software Package — Automatically set by the system and cannot be changed
    • Release Number — Software version number automatically set by the system and cannot be changed
    • Serial Number — Must be incremented each year that you prepare the submission file through PS People
    • Report Saving Location — Select Browse, then choose where to save the file
  3. When all the information is complete, to create the FE Workforce submission file, select Generate XML Report.