Moving a Prepayment from the Register Period

Issues with prepayments can be experienced if the relevant accounting periods either don't exist, or have an access level of 9. Prepayments can only be made to an accounting period with an access level of 8 or less.

If an accounting period within a prepayment range is set to access level 9, or does not exist, the prepayment portion will be ignored for that period and allocated to the next future accounting period with an access level of 8 or less.

If there are no future periods with an access level of 8 or less, the prepayment portion that cannot be posted into a future accounting period is posted to the Register period (REG.REG) as separate documents (one document per period that could not be posted). In the following example, two periods have an access level of 9 and therefore, cannot be posted to.

Period Example Access
Period 1 (Current) 2020/21.01 3 £1,000
Period 2 2020/21.02 8 £1,000
Period 3 2020/21.03 8 £1,000
Period 4 2020/21.04 8 £1,000
Period 5 2020/21.05 8 £1,000
Period 6 2020/21.06 8 £1,000
Period 7 2020/21.07 8 £1,000
Period 8 2020/21.08 8 £1,000
Period 9 2020/21.09 8 £1,000
Period 10 2020/21.10 8 £1,000
Period 11 2020/21.11 9 £0
Period 12 2020/21.12 9 £0
REG.REG £2,000
TOTAL £12,000

As a consequence, the two PM – Prepayment Movement documents that could not be posted into an accounting period are instead posted to the REG.REG period, each for £1000.

If this occurs, you will need to move the prepayment document from the Register period to the correct accounting period. You must ensure that the accounting period you want to move the prepayment portion into, has an access level of 8 or less.

  1. Select Options > Account Enquiry from the top menu.
  2. The Selection Criteria dialog is displayed. Select Equals from the Values drop-down list.

  3. Click the Drill (...) button to display the Select 1 Value dialog. Select the applicable Prepayments nominal, then click the OK button.

  4. From the Selection Criteria dialog, select the Criteria tab. Ensure the Periods drop-down list is set to All, then click the OK button to run the Account Enquiry.

  5. A list of transactions posted to the Prepayments nominal is displayed. Using the filter drop-down list from the UF2 Change in psfin32.ini column, select the applicable document that has been prepaid. In the following example, LLPI376 is being selected.

    All prepayment documents that have been posted relating to the applicable document that has been prepaid are displayed. Any documents that have posted to the REG.REG (Register) period will be highlighted green. The previous graphic indicates documents LLPM438 and LLPM439 are in the REG.REG (Register) period.

  6. Right-click on the grey box to the left of the applicable document and select Document Enquiry from the pop-up menu.

  7. The Document Enquiry dialog is displayed. Right-click in the grey box to the left of the document header line and select Change Document.

  8. The System Journal Input form is displayed. Overtype the REG REG Period fields with the applicable year and period you wish to post the prepayment document into.

  9. Press F5 to post the document.
  10. If you refresh or re-run the Account Enquiry, you will see that the document (in our example LLPM438) is no longer in the REG.REG (Register) period.

  11. Repeat for all applicable prepayment documents in the REG.REG (Register) period.