Dealing with Deferred Income Posted to the Wrong Period

If an accounting period within a deferred income range is set to access level 9, the deferred income will be ignored for that period and allocated to the next future accounting period with an access level of 8 or less. If no future periods exist with an access level of 8 or less, the remainder of the deferred income will be posted into the Register period (REG.REG).

Deferred Income with Correct Accounting Periods

The deferred income example used in this topic is for a nominal receipt for additional pupil funding for a year. The nominal receipt is for £12,000 and is being deferred across the financial year as shown in the following table. If all the accounting periods exist and are set to access level 8 or less, the deferred income postings would appear as follows:

Period Example Access
Period 1 (Current) 2020/21.01 3 £1,000
Period 2 2020/21.02 8 £1,000
Period 3 2020/21.03 8 £1,000
Period 4 2020/21.04 8 £1,000
Period 5 2020/21.05 8 £1,000
Period 6 2020/21.06 8 £1,000
Period 7 2020/21.07 8 £1,000
Period 8 2020/21.08 8 £1,000
Period 9 2020/21.09 8 £1,000
Period 10 2020/21.10 8 £1,000
Period 11 2020/21.11 8 £1,000
Period 12 2020/21.12 8 £1,000
TOTAL £12,000

Deferred Income where Accounting Periods have Access Level 9, but Future Periods Exist

If one or more accounting periods has an access level of 9, the system will look to post whatever deferred income portion could not be posted (in the following example, £2000), to the next future period with an access level of 8 or less. In the following example, periods 11 and 12 cannot be accessed, therefore, the deferred income amount of £2000 is posted into Period 1 of the new financial year.

Period Example Access
Period 1 (Current) 2020/21.01 3 £1,000
Period 2 2020/21.02 8 £1,000
Period 3 2020/21.03 8 £1,000
Period 4 2020/21.04 8 £1,000
Period 5 2020/21.05 9 £1,000
Period 6 2020/21.06 8 £1,000
Period 7 2020/21.07 8 £1,000
Period 8 2020/21.08 8 £1,000
Period 9 2020/21.09 8 £1,000
Period 10 2020/21.10 8 £1,000
Period 11 2020/21.11 9 £0
Period 12 2020/21.12 9 £0
Period 1 Next FY 2021/22.01 8 £2,000
Period 2 Next FY 2021/22.02 8 £0
TOTAL £12,000

Deferred Income where Accounting Periods have Access Level 9, but no Future Periods Exist

If there are no future periods with an access level of 8 or less, the portion that cannot be posted into a future accounting period is posted to the Register period (REG.REG) as separate documents (one document per period that could not be posted). In the following example, two DM – Deferred Income Movement to Income documents would be posted to the REG.REG period, each for £1000.

Period Example Access
Period 1 (Current) 2020/21.01 3 £1,000
Period 2 2020/21.02 8 £1,000
Period 3 2020/21.03 8 £1,000
Period 4 2020/21.04 8 £1,000
Period 5 2020/21.05 8 £1,000
Period 6 2020/21.06 8 £1,000
Period 7 2020/21.07 8 £1,000
Period 8 2020/21.08 8 £1,000
Period 9 2020/21.09 8 £1,000
Period 10 2020/21.10 8 £1,000
Period 11 2020/21.11 9 £0
Period 12 2020/21.12 9 £0
REG.REG £2,000
TOTAL £12,000

If this occurs, you will need to reduce the access levels on the two accounting periods to a maximum of 8 then post a change document as the current user, assuming their access level matches the accounting periods. For more information, please see Moving Deferred Income from the Register Period (v2, v4, v6).