Checking Security for Viewing and Authorising Non-Order Documents

If a user cannot view a Non-Order Invoice document it means they do not have the applicable security access. Please check the following:

Document Security

The user will need access to the IRIS Financials documents. Typically they may not be IRIS Financials users, but they can still be given access to the documents.

To do this:

  1. Log into Financials Administrator, expand the PS Financials Folder and click on the PSFLIVE (or your own database) folder.
  2. Click on the Security Tab. Select the required user group and select Accounting in the Application menu and then assign an Access Level of 3.

    Do not close Financials Administrator as you will need to remove their IRIS Financials access again after the next step.

  3. Log in to IRIS Financials as CUSTADMIN or PSFADMIN and go to Admin > Security and find the User group on the left.
  4. Click on the applicable User group and then find the required document type from the list on the right and then tick the box.

    In order for users to be able to create INV documents in PS Purchasing or MyPortal the POIN box must be selected.

  5. Click the Apply button to save the changes. This will give the user group access to the IRIS Financials document.

    The final stage is to remove the User group's IRIS Financials access. To do this:

  6. Open Financials Administrator and right click on the applicable User group and select Delete.

    The User group will no longer have access to IRIS Financials, but will still be able to view the applicable IRIS Financials Document types in IRIS Financials Purchasing.

Access to the Supplier Account

To check a User group's access to the supplier account:

  1. Log in to IRIS Financials Purchasing as the CUSTADMIN/PSFADMIN user (or another user that does already have access to view the document).
  2. Search for the document in IRIS Financials Purchasing and bring the details up on screen.

    Access to the supplier account requires the user to have access to;
  • The Purchase Ledger (e.g. 'PURCHASE')
  • The supplier account (e.g. 'NEWACC')
  • The Creditors <1Y-Trade Creditors nominal.

    Make a note of these three items on the document as you need to check that the security roles have been assigned to these areas. The following section will advise on these:

Access to Purchase Ledger

  1. In IRIS Financials, go to Masters > Ledgers and select the Purchase ledger from the list.
  2. Click on the Security button.
  3. Note the security roles shown against the View and Post drop-down lists. These will need to be assigned to the user group to allow access to the ledger.

Access to the Purchase Ledger Account

  1. In IRIS Financials go to Masters > Ledgers and highlight the PURCHASE ledger and click on the Accounts button.
  2. Click the supplier account and click on the Security tab to view the roles associated to the account.

  3. Note the View and Post roles in this tab as these will be required by the user group to access the account.

Access to the Purchase Ledger Control nominal

The supplier account is linked to the Creditors <1Y-Trade Creditors nominal (usually 310100) so access to this nominal will also be required. To check this in PS Accounting:

  1. Go to Masters > Nominals and select the applicable nominal from the list.
  2. Click the Security tab and note the View and Post roles that have been applied.

    If your establishment/organisation uses a shared purchase ledger, you will also need to check the security roles against the Z nominal, which links the supplier account to the delivery location. The Z nominal will be linked to the ACADEMY ledger so following the same steps above, check the View/Post roles against this ledger and the relevant location account.

Nominal, Ledger & Account Security

Following the same principle as above, you will also need to ensure the user has access to the nominal, ledgers and accounts on the item detail lines from the non-order invoice in IRIS Financials Purchasing.

To check this, in IRIS Financials:

  1. Go to Masters > Nominals and select the applicable nominal. Click the Security tab and check the View and Post roles for the expense nominal(s) selected.
  2. Go to Masters > Ledgers and select the applicable ledger for the account used on the document. Click the Security tab and note the View and Post roles for the Cost Centre Ledger.
  3. Go To Masters > Accounts > and select the applicable account on the Cost Centre Ledger. Click the Security tab and note the View and Post roles for the applicable cost centre account.
  4. Log in to the Financials Administrator module as CUSTADMIN/PSFADMIN.
  5. Click on the Databases folder and select the PSFLIVE database.
  6. Select the Security Roles tab from the right hand side. You will see the user groups listed in the middle, and the security roles listed on the right.
  7. Highlight the user group and then ensure that the roles you noted earlier are ticked for the user.

    Any changes to security will require the user to log out and back in again for the changes to take effect.