Reversing Trip Income
If you have a trip that is cancelled and you need to reverse the income you can do so by reversing the original income document(s).
This topic is applicable if you have used either the TRIP ledger or COSTCTR ledger to record the income. If you have used the STUDENT ledger to record the income and need to refund your students, please see Refunding a Trip by BACS or Cheque.
Example: In this example, trip income for £1,400 has been recorded for a trip to the National Space Museum. This has been recorded against the Trips account on the TRIPS ledger. The same logic can be applied if the account was on the COSTCTR ledger.
The Nominal Receipt document needs to be reversed as the trip has been cancelled.
Select Options > Account Enquiry from the top menu.
The Selection Criteria dialog is displayed. In the Values row, select Equals from the drop-down list and enter the applicable income nominal used to record the trip income.
Click the OK button. The Account Enquiry dialog is displayed.
Find the applicable document used to record the trip income - typically a Nominal Receipt. Right-click in the grey box to the left of the document and select Document Enquiry from the pop-up menu.
The Document Enquiry dialog is displayed. Right-click in the grey box to the left of the document and select Copy Document from the pop-up menu.
The Destination document options dialog is displayed. Select the Reverse Values check box.
It is recommended you select a Journal document type from the Document Type drop-down list. This will indicate an amendment has been made to another transaction.
If you want to select a different document type, you can. However you will only be able to use the PSFJournal input form to post the document regardless of the Document Type you select.
Select the document date from the Document Date drop-down calendar and the document period from the Document Period the trip was cancelled and click the OK button.
The System Journal Input dialog is displayed. The entries on the journal will be the reverse of the original Nominal Receipt document. Enter an applicable description in the Description field and press F5 to post the document.
Re-run the Account Enquiry as per steps 1-4, you can see the applicable document reversing the trip income.