Move Documents from the Hold Database

The hold database may be used for transactions that are either incorrect or incomplete. Documents posted to the hold database do not affect your accounts until they are posted to the books therefore are not included in reports or detail or document enquiries.

To move these from the Hold database to the Main database you will need to use the Automatic Input function.

  1. Run a Document Enquiry to check which document(s) need to moved from the hold database to the main database.

  2. Once you have the document details Select Options > Automatic Input from the IRIS Financials main menu.

  3. The Automatic Document Input Selection dialog is displayed.

  4. From the Document Type drop-down list select the applicable document type, then select the applicable document number(s) from the Number fields.

  5. Select the Documents Posted and Documents Not Posted check boxes to display a report detailing which documents have been posted correctly.

  6. Click the OK button to post any applicable documents meeting your specified criteria.

If there are any issues with any of the documents you will receive a report

If this is the case you will need to correct the documents in the Hold database and then attempt to repost.