Changing the Nominal Linked to a Ledger

If required, the nominal can be linked to a ledger. If linked, an account from the specified ledger will need to be selected when posting. You could for example, link the nominal to an applicable cost centre ledger (e.g. CEN_COSTCTR). When the nominal is selected, an applicable cost centre must also be chosen.

You can only link nominal to a ledger if the nominal has no exiting entries against it. In this circumstance, you would need to create a new nominal, link the ledger to the new nominal, then post a journal to transfer the balance form the old nominal to the new nominal.

If a nominal has no existing entries against it and you wish to link it to a ledger or amend the ledger it is linked to, it can be amended via the Details tab of the Nominal Maintenance dialog.

  1. From the Details tab, choose the ledger to link the nominal to from the Ledger drop-down list.

  2. Click the Apply button to save the changes. You will be prompted to select an account to which the details should be posted, after which, any account can be selected. This is a one-off process and is required to create the link. No details are posted to the selected account.