Cancel Payments

To make the invoice transactions available for payment again, the allocated payment must be cancelled.

The Cancel Payment feature is not available for version 2 or 4. To cancel a payment, reverse the document.

  1. Go to Masters, then select Accounts....

  2. Select the required ledger.
  3. Find and select the required account, then Details.
  4. For any listed document, right-click on, then select Account Enquiry.
  5. Find the required payment.
  1. Right-click the grey box next to the first column, then select Cancel Payment.
  2. The PS Financials Reporting Services Browser displays the document submitted for cancellation message.

    If the submitted cancellation message is not displayed, the payment has not been cancelled. To try again, close the accounts and enquiry screens, then start the cancel payment process again. Should cancelling the payment continue to be unsuccessful, log a support ticket (a Service Cloud account is required) with our support team.

Cancelled BACS payments originally posted to the cashbook must have the value reduced from the balance on the 260109 - BACS Suspense nominal.

Check Payment Posted to the Cashbook

To check if the original payment was posted to the cashbook:

  1. On the cancelled document line (XXBX), right-click the grey box next to the first column, then select Document Enquiry.
  2. In the detail lines, if transactions are displayed against the 260109 - BACS Suspense nominal, a journal must be posted to reduce the total value of the cancelled payments.

Reduce the Cashbook Balance

To reduce the cashbook balance:

Post a journal for the following:

  • The same Document Date and Document Period as the original payment
  • Debit the bank nominal for the total value of the cancelled payment
  • Credit the 260109 - BACS Suspense nominal for the same amount