Set Up Authorisation Limits for Changed Purchase Orders
Purchase orders are sent for authorisation when either:
- A specified limit is reached
- If no limit is set, when changes have been made
To allow changes up to a certain value to be made to a purchase order without authorisation, you must set the tolerance percentage.
Limits are applied to all purchase orders for all suppliers.
Go to Masters, then select Accounts....
- Select the PARAMETERS - Parameters Ledger.
- In Code, find POAMENDAPPR, then select User Fields.
- For Element Text, enter No in Value.
- To update the field, click into another User Field.
- To save, select Apply.
- In Code, find POAMENDTOL, then select User Fields.
- For Element Text, enter the required percentage amount in Value.
For example, to send for approval again if the changes are more than 10% of the original order total, enter 10.
- To update the field, click into another User Field.
- To save, select Apply.