Running an Account Enquiry
Account Enquiry is a database query on a single (or range of) Nominals, Ledgers or Ledger Accounts (e.g. Cost Centres).
To access go to Options > Account Enquiry or use the shortcut icon.
Use the Nominal and Accounts tab to define which Nominals, Ledgers or Ledger Accounts (e.g. Cost Centres) to report on.
If all the selection criteria were left blank, a query would be produced with ALL the transactions in the database. This can be run if required, but there may be a huge number of transactions within the database, so a warning message is given if no criteria are selected.
Define each section
- All – everything (default)
- Equals – a single entry
- Does not equal – everything but
- Less than – (or before when using dates / periods)
- Less than or equals to – as above, but includes select item
- Greater than – (or after when using dates / periods)
- Greater than or equals to – as above, but includes select item
- Between – from X to X – a range of accounts or dates
- Not between – everything either side of X to X
- One of - chosen individually X and X and X and X etc.
- Not one of – everything except those chosen X and X and X
- Like – similar to X
- Not like – everything except those similar to
Once a field is selected and amended from 'All' then click the … icon to choose from (or search in a list), or type the required code in the box.
For a range (Between) or several individuals (One of) highlight the first selection, hold the Control key to highlight others. Use the scroll bar to find, or type and click Search.
Ledgers can be chosen in the same way.
And / or individual accounts (e.g. Cost Centres).
Further criteria are available via the Criteria tab.
Areas available for selection:
- Dates – the date of the documents within the system
- Periods – the accounting periods to be searched
- Types - the types of documents to be included
- Statuses – the status of the documents to be included
- Payment List – to report on what was included in a particular payment list
Values – to search for a document with a particular value or range of values
To include budget figures in the results, go to the Budgets tab and tick to select the relevant budget.
When all criteria is set, select OK.The results are displayed in an Account Enquiry screen.