Creating a Sales Invoice
The nominals and ledgers in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.
Before entering a sales invoice, you must first ensure that the customer account is set up on the sales ledger. Refer to Creating Sales Accounts .
From the main screen in IRIS Financials select Options > Document Input.
The Document Input dialog is displayed. Select the sales invoice document type, normally XXSI, the XX will be your two character location code.
Input the Document Date and Period as appropriate and click OK.
The Sales Invoice input form is displayed.
Double-Click in the Account field and select the customer account from the list. Then use the tab key to move to the next field.
In the Invoice Value field enter the total (gross) amount of the invoice. The Header field can be used to enter an internal reference/description for the document.
Enter the Nominal and Account as required and the Net value. If the organisation charges VAT on sales, enter the relevant tax type and the VAT amount will be calculated automatically.
Enter a suitable Description. If further space is required, press Ctrl+F8 to enter more text.
The Deferral Start and End date columns only need to be populated if the income is to be deferred across several periods. Otherwise these columns can be left blank. Refer toProcessing Deferred Income .
When you have finished, press F5 to post.