Reconcile Control Account Nominals for Month-End
To support accounting processes, complete the following tasks for all control account nominals:
Control Account Nominal | Tasks to complete |
There should be no balance against the nominal. If any balances remain, check all payment runs have been completed and posted |
Creditors <1Y-Trade Creditors |
Debtors <1Y-Debtors control account |
Creditors <1Y-Credit Card Control |
Check the balance in the Trial Balance. To clear the nominal, if the direct debit has been taken, post the direct debit. |
Petty Cash-Petty Cash Control Account | Check the balance matches the Petty Cash Tin balance. |
FD-Pension Fund-Fund balance |
Check all employee and employer pension contributions for the next month are recorded If required, get the Local Gov Pension Scheme |
Payroll control account-Payroll 1 | Check the balance equals all employee and employer PAYE and NI contributions for the next month |
Debtors <1Y-VAT Control |
Check the amount matches what you expect to receive from HMRC for the previous month VAT return Any balance in the Debtors <1Y-VAT Recoverable (Inputs) and Creditors <1Y-VAT payable (Outputs) nominals must be for the month you are working in prior to doing that month's VAT return. |
Intra-Company/Academy |
If using the intercompany option, location-specific Trial Balances always balance. |