Importing Depreciation

This article will advise how to import depreciation journals into IRIS Financials. This can be used instead of running the in-built depreciation rule or manually entering depreciation journals.

Typically the fixed asset nominals are linked to the applicable fixed asset ledger for the trust. Any nominals linked to a ledger require an account to be entered when a posting is made. In order to post depreciation, a fixed asset account should be set up. For guidance on how to set up fixed assets, see Fixed Assets and Depreciation.

Import process

You must complete the import separately for each location within your establishment/organisation.

To import depreciation:

Before you can use the sqf files, you must unzip the downloaded file.

  1. Download the following attachments, then open the Depreciation_Journal_Upload_Format.csv file.



  2. The spreadsheet contains sample data which should be replaced with data relevant to your own organisation. Replace this with your data relevant to your own organisation:

    The following columns are included in the import file:

    Document Type: Document type for the location the depreciation is being imported for. For easy reference this should be a depreciation journal. In the previous graphic, document LLDJ is the depreciation journal for location LLL.

    Row Number: Determines the row number on the journal. In the previous graphic the journal will have 12 rows and will post as a single document. If you want to import multiple depreciation journals, repeat 1,2 down the column.

    Year: The financial year the depreciation journal will be posted to.

    Period: The accounting period the depreciation journal will be posted to. This must always be two digits - 01, 02 etc.

    Nominal: The nominal code the asset will be posted against.
    In the example the first row is the fixed asset at cost balance sheet nominal and the second is the in year depreciation nominal associated with the asset.

    Account: This will typically be the Fixed Asset, or Depreciation account that the asset is associated with.
    In the example the account against the fixed asset at cost nominal is the fixed asset account.
    The account next to the depreciation nominal is the depreciation account which sits on the in year surplus/deficit or income/expenditure.

    Dr/-Cr Value: Value of the detail line. Credits must be entered with a minus figure.

    Description: Description of the detail line. Maximum 30 characters allowed.

  3. Save the .CSV file. If creating depreciation files for multiple locations, use a separate spreadsheet for each location.
  4. In IRIS Financials select Options > Import.
  5. Click the Format File button and select the depreciation.sqf file downloaded from this article.
  6. Click the Data File button and select the csv file containing the import data.
  7. The Column Name and Sample information must be the same as the information shown in the previous graphic. Use the arrows to re-order if necessary.

  8. Clear the Errors to Hold check box to prevent any errors being stored in the Hold database. import_untick_hold.png
  9. Click the Import button then click the Yes button when prompted.

  10. A report is displayed advising that the import has been successful.

    An error relating to the header row of the import file will be displayed as per the following graphic. This can be ignored as it will not prevent the rest of the document from importing. Any further errors on the report will need to be investigated. Some of the potential errors are explained in the Common Issues section at the end of this topic. depreciation_IMPORTREPORT.png

  11. Select Options > Document Enquiry and enter the location's DJ document code to view the document.
    The details of the journal will be displayed.

Common importing issues

The following section explains some of the common issues arising from importing depreciation journals. Please note the document types and numbers will differ from that of your own system.

Can't find account XXXX in ledger xxxx for nominal xxxx on row xx

This error indicates the account specified for depreciation does not exist on the ledger linked to the depreciation nominal.

To check this:

  1. Select Masters > Nominals and search for the nominal specified on the report.

    Example: The nominal is linked to the LLL_CAPITAL ledger. Therefore the account on the import file must be on the LLL_CAPITAL ledger.

  2. In IRIS Financials select Masters > Ledgers and select the Ledger linked with the depreciation nominal specified in the error.
  3. The code for depreciation should be on the ledger. In our example it is DEP and not DEP01 as is specified in the import file.

  4. This can be corrected by amending the csv import file and re-importing.

Can't find document type XXXX

This error indicates the document type specified in the CSV file cannot be found in IRIS Financials. To check this:

  1. Select Options > Document Types and find the DJ document type for the depreciation for the required location.

  2. The CSV file can be amended to show the correct document type and re-imported.

Cannot find period XXXX/XX.XX

This error message will be similar to the following graphic and indicates that IRIS Financials cannot find the period that is being used for the import.

In our example, period 1 in 2018/19 does not exist:


This is usually caused by either the period being entered incorrectly has single digit instead of two digits - i.e. '1' instead of '01', or the access level on the period is too high for the user importing the document.

If the period is showing as a single digit, the CSV file will need amending to double digit periods.

  1. Open your depreciation CSV file.

  2. To do this, right-click on the required column and from the pop-up window select Format Cells > Custom > Select General and over type with two zeros:

  3. Save the CSV file and re-import.

To check the access level on the period:

  1. In IRIS Financials select Masters > Periods and find the period specified on the import file.
  2. Check the Access level and amend if required. You may need to speak to your System Administrator to do this.

The import file is being used by another application

This message indicates that the CSV file is still open. Switch to your spreadsheet pack and re-attempt the import. dep_period_alreadyopen.png