Check Nominals are Linked for DfE Automated Returns

Only for organisations using the DfE Chart of Accounts version.

All required nominals must be linked to the correct indices for all your financial information from IRIS Financials to be uploaded using DfE Automated Returns.

To check if nominals are linked:

  1. Run a Trial Balance for the financial year you are submitting, using the following criteria: 
    1. Select Nominal Index, then Accounts Return for the financial year.
    2. In Periods select Between, then select periods 00 to 97.
  2. To find the nominals with missing index codes: 
    1. Go to Masters, then select Index Types.
    2. Select the Key Name for the required financial year accounts return.
    3. Select Show Me..., then ...that have no index items defined.
    4. Make a note of the nominals with missing index values.
  3. Run another Trial Balance for the financial year you are submitting, using the following criteria: 
    1. Select Nominal Index, select Nominal Parent Code for the financial year.
    2. In Periods select Between, then select periods 00 to 12.
  4. To find the nominals with missing index codes: 
    1. Go to Masters, then select Index Types.
    2. Select the Nominal Parent Code Key Name.
    3. Select Show Me..., then ...that have no index items defined.
    4. Make a note of the nominals with missing index values.
  5. Use the lists of nominals to link the nominals to the correct indices.