Producing a Budget Matrix Report

The Budget Matrix report contains a copy of the budget in the format it was entered, i.e. nominal, ledger code, account code, then budget values for each period. The report can be produced for specific ledgers, ledger accounts or nominals as required. This report can also be used to print a copy of your current/previous year’s actuals in order to compare/produce your current budget.

  1. Select Modules > Reporting Suite from the menu bar to launch the Reporting Suite.
  2. Click the required report. Budget reports are available in the Budget Holder Reporting or General Reports sections.
  3. The Reporting Services Browser is displayed enabling you to select the required report criteria.

  4. Select the required filter options to determine what should be included in the report. In most circumstances, this will be Select All, but the report can also be filtered by ledger, ledger account, nominal and specific periods as described in the following table:

    Select the Company Only requires selection if you have more than one business entity set up, otherwise leave at the default.
    Select the Location(s) Budgets are produced per location. Select the location to be reported on such as LLL.
    Select the Account(s) In most cases, you are likely to want to report on all ledgers. However, you can select individual ledgers from the drop-down list as required. The ledgers available for selection will be based on the chosen location.
    Select the Ledger This is particularly useful if you want to review each ledgers account separately, such as each cost centre. Select the required accounts from the drop-down list or select All. Only the accounts from the previously selected ledger will be available for selection.
    Select the Budget Select a budgets on which to report. Only one budget can be selected at a time.
    Select the Period Select the period to report against. This controls the Current Period and Year to Date columns in the report. For example, if Period 5 is selected, the Current Period shows period 5 data and the Year to Date shows periods 1 to 5.
    Include Year End Period(s)? This allows the year end period transactions to be included in the report. These are usually adjustments rather than in-year transactions so will generally not be required.
    Show Current Period Transactions Only? Selecting Yes shows only individual transactions to be included in the report. These are usually adjustments rather than in-year transactions so generally not be required.
  5. Make sure that the applicable Year and Budget code are selected. Click the View Report button to produce the report.